Tuesday, September 4, 2007

To my Handsome Prince - Li Chien

I have a handsome prince -Li Chien born in 2006 July 30, he is 13 months now. He is energetic of course and clever. He is getting very "boy-look" now. Your heart will have just melted whenever you see his big smile. He has become a little "star" in my church, many of the children and adults are fond of him. (I shall act faster to post a lot of short movies and photos in the blog to let you see his angel-smiling face).

It has been a long time I would like to job down the growing up process of my children. With the aid of the blog, I think this is the best way to store happy memory and I am sure this is the best gift I can ever pass down to my children.

Dear darling baby
- How I hope you can grow up stronger each day, to have wisdom and abundant life, these are the best wishes that I pray to God!

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